
주제별 : 공연보기/콘서트보기/음악감상

vss121 2022. 7. 14. 17:47
좋아하는 음악 장르, 좋아하는 가수 묘사
음악을 처음 좋아하게 된 계기, 취향 변화 ( 변화 => ㅇ / A B / ㅇ)
음악을 듣는 장소, 시간 묘사
라이브 음악 경험 => 해변경험


<음악 취향 변화> (과거) [음악 종류, 어린 시절]
There have been many changes in my musical tastes over the years.

When it comes to the one in the past, I was crazy about classical music. As I learned to play the piano when I was young, I got to know many classical music naturally. I loved Debussy’s music, because it was melodious. I listened to his music over and over again.

However, as I stopped learning it, my musical taste has changed. Speaking of the one today, the music I am into these days is pop, because it makes me feel good. Also many people around me like it , so it is easier to talk about common interest in music. My favorite singer would have to be Lauv, because I love his voice.  

That’s all I can say about this Q.  



<최근 라이브 음악 경험= 해변 에피소드>

 Oh~~ it’s a good Question. Let me think about it.

Well~~ in fact, I went to 양양 beach with my best friend (친구이름) who graduated from the same high school, because both of us were on vacation.

We enjoyed scenic beaches. When we were walking along the seashores, but all of a sudden, I heard some music sound from one side and that spot was crowded with many people. We went there more closely and saw a person singing with a guitar. I didn’t know who he was, but my friend said he was a singer. Unlike my expectations, I was able to see great music performance there. Also the sunset and the music made the best combination at the beach.  It became my good memory. We had a quality time there. Ever since then, I have been a big fan of him.



<음악 언제 어디서 듣는지>

Frankly speaking, I’m a person who enjoys listening to music whenever I have a spare time.

I usually listen to an automatically recommended playlist by youtube music. There are many different kinds of music in it, and it changes continuously.

While I am taking a shower, I always have music on in the bathroom. I sometimes sing a song along. It makes me feel good.

And I tend to listen to music while I am moving on foot or on the bus by using wireless earphones. The reason is I can listen to good songs while using spare time. I can concentrate on myself alone. I think listening to music is one of the ways to ease stress in my daily life.

That’s all I can say about this Q.

'영어 > 2학년여름방학-OPIc' 카테고리의 다른 글

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