

vss121 2022. 7. 11. 15:04

1 <restaurant> 


The restaurant that I often go to is Mcdonald's on the first floor of a 10 floor building.

Also it’s a 10 minute walking distance from where I live.

So I visit there at least once a week.

When you come in,

What you can see first is the main counter where you can make orders and payments.

plus, there is the separated place for smokers on the left.

And there are many tables and chairs on the right.

The reason why I am a big fan of this place is I like eating Mcmorning for breakfast. And it is simple, quick but I am stuffed with it.

Last of all, the atmosphere is kind of nice and clean.

2 <bank>


The bank that I often go to is KB Bank located on the first floor of a 10 floor building.

Also it’s a 10 minute walking distance from where I live.

So I visit there at least once a week.

When you come in,

What you can see first are ATMs lined up where you can handle simple banking business such as depositing, withdrawing, and wining.

plus, there is the  separated place for VIPs on the left.

And There are many pamphlets displayed on the shelves on the right.

This month, I opened a savings account. The reason why I go to the bank is that it has a higher interest rate than any other banks.

Last of all, the atmosphere is kind of nice and clean.


3 <+가구+좋아하는 가구 소개> 빈출


Where I live with my family is a 3 bedroom apartment located on the first floor of a 10 floor building.

Also it is within walking distance from where my parents work, which is the main reason why my family moved here. I have lived here for 5 years.

When you come in, what you can see first is a black leather sofa which is my favorite furniture because the size is big and it is very comfortable. I spend most time lying on it.

Plus, There is the separated place for the kitchen on the left.

And there are many books displayed on the shelves on the right.

There are 3 rooms. One is for my parents. Another one is for my brother. The other one is for me.

The atmosphere is kind of nice and clean.

I’m satisfied with the house where I live with my family.


4 <좋아하는 여행지(국내)>

Oh Ava if you ask me this question, my answer would have to be Jeju.

Jeju is the biggest island in my country which is located in the south.

There are a lot of scenic beaches to visit in there.

So many people, including me head to the areas to wind down and chill out all year around.

What’s more, those areas are underdeveloped relatively.

So there are still a lot of green places, but few tall buildings.

Last but not least, there are many famous local restaurants where I can eat what I haven’t eaten in my city.

For these reasons, whenever I go there, I’m fully recharged not only physically but also mentally.



<해외 여행지>

Among the countries I have visited, what I’d like to talk about is Hawaii located on the Pacific Ocean. I love to visit there whenever I have some time.

There are a lot of scenic beaches to visit in there.

So many people, including me head to the areas to wind down and chill out all year around.

What’s more, those areas are underdeveloped relatively.

So there are still a lot of green places, but few tall buildings.

Last but not least, there are many famous local restaurants where I can eat what I haven’t eaten in my city.

For these reasons, whenever I go there, I’m fully recharged not only physically but also mentally.

5 <좋아하는 해변 >


It’s a piece of cake.
Since my country is a peninsula(
퍼닌술라), there are a lot of scenic beaches here.

Among them, my top priority is a beach called 함덕 located on the East coast.

There are some reasons why I love there.

First of all, it is a colorful beach that catches people’s attention . So, many people visit there for a trip.

What’s more, this is the hottest spot for sunrise in Korea.

So it gets crowded on New year’s day eve.

Also I go there with my best friend 지원 who graduated from the same high school about once every year. We go to a café where we can drink while enjoying the scenery right in front of the beach.

Whenever we go there, it never lets us down.

You give it a try.