
돌발주제 - 패션

vss121 2022. 7. 27. 17:43

우리나라 사람들의 패션 묘사

People in my country wear clothes differently depending on the generation.

When it comes to the one of the older G, people don’t tend to keep up with the latest fashion trends. They choose practical clothes which they can wear anywhere and anytime. They also wear comfortable clothes rather than stylish one.

On the other hand, speaking of the one of the younger G, they tend to keep up with the latest fashion trends. They show their individuality by fashion. Also, they try various fashion styles.

To sum up, like this, fashion depends on the G in my country. 











개인 선호 패션 스타일 소개

I am not the one who keeps up with the latest fashion trends. You know~~ .

Simple and comfortable clothes are the best to me.

I wear achromatic colored clothes which are well-matched with any designs. And I wear simple, classic clothes not sensitive to the trend. Also I love to wear comfortable clothes like t-shirts, slacks, and training clothes which I can wear anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, my clothes are not fancy but very useful.




패션 트렌드 변화

it’s a piece of cake Ava. You know~

There have been many changes in fashion trends over the years.

When it comes to the one in the past, People used to be in specific style like skinny due to the influence of famous people on TV. So many people COPIED them.

On the other hand, speaking of the one today, things have got changed.

People are in various styles which are not limited to one TREND. Because people can search for fashion NOT ONLY on the Internet, ALSO on tv. Also, They show their own individuality by WHAT THEY ARE WEARING.

Therefore, I’d like to say fashion styles have become more sophisticated than in the past.


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