
돌발주제 - 예약

vss121 2022. 7. 27. 13:47

본인이 평소에 하는 예약 종류/장소들 묘사

어렸을 때 했던 예약 경험 묘사

예약관련 기억 남는 에피소드

예약 과정 (간혹)


일반적인 예약 소개

In fact, I hardly make an appointment in my daily life.

However, for example, when I need to go see the doctor,

Or, when I need to get my hair trimmed or cut, I make an appointment for that because these tasks are time consuming.

If I don’t have an appointment in advance, no one could tell me how long I have to wait for my turn. That’s it.

((Well… in order to set an appointment, I usually use an app.

First of all, I pick the date and the time and submit the information.

And then it takes about 10 mins to get the appointment confirmed.

It’s very simple.

Therefore, these days, appointments are necessary.


어릴 적 예약 경험

Your Q is weird. You know that, right?

Someone else usually made an appointment for me in my childhood.

However I’ll bring up a memory.

I remember going to see the dentist with my mom when I was in elementary school.

My mom always used to make an appointment in advance

and a day before the appointment, she reminded me of it.

so I always tossed and turned all night because I was anxious about it.

Even now, the dentist is not my cup of tea.


Anyway, when I got to the clinic, I told them who I was / and waited for my turn, which was the worst moment ever.

And the Dr said I had a lot of cavities/ and asked me to take care of my teeth well.

In fact, the treatment didn’t take long / however I felt like it was forever.

Ever since then, I have brushed my teeth more often.

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