
Role Play - 묶음, 돌발

vss121 2022. 7. 26. 10:43
11. 뉴욕 휴가 가서 렌터카 현장 문의
12. 미국 운전면허증이 아닌 본인 면허증에 대한 설명
13. 여행 중에 있었던 기억에 남는 에피소드 설명


<11. 렌터카>

Hi. There. How are you?

I’m planning to travel to NewYork for a week / taking off this coming Sat. 

We are 2 adults. Are there any decent compact cars available?

1. What is the price range? Wow. It’s beyond my budget. Could I get some discounts?

2. Also how much is a full-coverage insurance for a week? If I add one more driver, will the rate be different?

3. Lastly could you tell me what your refund policy is? If I want to get a refund, by when do I have to notify you?

Is there a shuttle bus to take from the airport to your office? And what is the time schedule?

Thanks for your help.


<12. Non US driver’s license>

You make me confused/ you are confusing me.

OK, let me talk about my driver’s license.

This is an international driver’s license issued in South Korea last month.

At the top here, these are my driver’s license number and my name.

In the middle here, I am permitted to drive overseas until this date.

And at the bottom here, An official seal was stamped.

So this is a valid driver’s license like US one.

So let me rent a car right now


13 => 양양해변




11. 렌터카 업체에 전화해서 차 렌트 문의
12. 렌트한 차에 문제가 있음, 전화로 해결
13. 본인의 렌터카 이용 경험 묘사

11=> 앞 세트



<12. 렌터카 문제 해결>

Hello. This is a person who rented a car from you. However, there’s some problems with it.

The engine is making some weird noises loudly. And there’s smoke coming out of the hood. It looks so dangerous.

1. could you bring another car to where I am? I am just 2 kms away from your office.

2. or, could I get a full refund? I was told that if there is an issue with a car, it will be refundable.

I’m ok either way. Please do sth right now.




<13. 렌터카 이용 경험>

Your question reminds me of my trip last year. I went to Jeju Island with my friends. We rented a car during our trip for 3 days, because of the lack of public transportation there. I heard it would take a long time to wait for buses and taxi would be expensive. Using the rental car was great. We could go wherever we want, even in the rural place. I was so satisfied. If we hadn’t rented a car, it would have been inconvenient.



11. 친구의 휴일 파티 준비를 도와주기 위해 전화로 질문
12. 친구의 파티 준비를 도와줄 시간이 많지 않아 전화로 대안 제시
13. 파티나 행사에 불참하게 된 본인 경험 묘사


11. 친구 파티 (준비) 관련 질문

Hi there. It’s me 00. How are you? I heard that you would have a party for Minji’s birthday. Do you need some help? Ok. I want to ask some questions to plan for it.

When and where is the party going to be held?

Then, what should I do to help you prepare the party? How early should I get there?

If there is a dress code, please let me know in advance.

And can I bring my BFF Jay with me? It’s been a while since you met her.

Lastly are you going to have a pot-luck? If so, I will prepare some deserts.

Why don’t we order a lettering cake for her? She will love it.

See you then.




12 친구의 파티 준비를 도와줄 시간이 많지 않아 전화로 대안 제시

Hi there. It’s me 00. How are you? I’m afraid to say that but why don’t you throw a party without me this time? I will be very busy before the party, so I can’t help you. I thought I could finish the assignments early, but I couldn’t. Instead, I’d love to send you a present. Or, better still, should I ask Jay to come to your party to help you instead? You guys are close friends too. Thanks for understanding me.







11. 병원 진료 예약 전화 문의
12. 사정이 생겨서 병원 진료 예약을 전화로 변경
13. 중요한 미팅/예약 취소 혹은 늦었던 본인 경험 묘사


<11. >

Hello. Is it SS clinic?

I am calling to make an appointment. Is there any time available to see the Dr tomorrow?

I think I ate something wrong yesterday. I have the runs all the time. I took over the counter medicine yesterday, but I am still sick. Should I take this medicine to the clinic?

What time is the earliest time I could come in? Also is there a parking lot available in the building? Lastly if I need to reschedule the appointment, by when do I have to notify you?

Thanks for your help.


<12. >


This is a person who made an appointment to see the DR at 2 pm today. But I have a problem.

(본인의 약속 못 지키는 상황 설명)

What should I do?

Would it be possible to put it off until tomorrow? If so, please let me know the time.

If not, I am afraid but please cancel the appointment. I will get back to you later.

 I am ok either way. Sorry for such a short notice/ the last-minute change.





<13 . 알바 면접에 못 가게 된 본인 경험 묘사> 과거

I had an experience that I missed my interview for a part-time job last year. I ate something wrong the day before the interview and had the runs all the time on the day of the interview. So it prevented me going out. I called and asked an interviewer to put it off. Fortunately, he understood my situation. I was able to have the interview 2 days later and I could get a part time job. Ever since then, I have always been careful about eating food when sth important is scheduled the following day.



11. 면접 보러 가야 하는 회사에 대해 전화로 질문
12. 면접 가는 긴급 상황을 전화로 설명하고 제안 제시
13. 수업/미팅/면접에 가게 본인 경험 묘사


<11. 인터뷰 관련 질문>

Hi there. This is a person who is supposed to have an interview at your company. As I don’t have enough information, I want to ask you some questions about your company.

1. Which position is available at the moment? I majored in computer science in school. Is there any offer related to my major?

2. what is the salary range? Because I am applying as an experienced employee.

3, what kinds of staff benefits / perks do you offer besides the salary?

4, what is the exact location of your office? Are you located near downtown?

5. How many people are working in your office? Is it more than a hundred?

Thanks for your help.


12. 면접 못 감

Hi there. This is 00 speaking who is supposed to have an interview soon. However unfortunately I don’t think I can make it. Because I have the runs all the time.

What should I do?

1. Would it be possible to reschedule the interview next week? I’m available except for Wed. plz set the time for the interview at your convenience and keep me posted/updated/in the loop.

2, if not, better still, I wonder if I could have the interview on Skype instead?

 I don’t want to let the opportunity slipped away.

I am ok either way. I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.



13=> 위 위 위




11. 부동산에 구하고 싶은 집에 대한 전화 문의
12. 입주했는데 창문이 깨져 있어서 수리점에 수리 요청
13. 무엇인가 깨져 있는 물건을 발견했던 경험과 대처 방법


<11. 부동산> real estate

Hi. There. How are you ?

I am calling to ask some Qs about renting a house.

I am living alone. so I’m looking for a studio near the school. I want a clean studio where there are no insects. Also if possible, the higher floor, the better.

Is there any house I could have a look today? Oh~ great..

What is the range of the rent in this area? Wow. It’s more than I have expected. If I put down a bigger deposit, would the rent be down by any chance?

Um… is the house conveniently located to use amenities within walking distance?

Is it located near the bus station?

If I want to change or cancel the contract, by when do I have to notify you?

It’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot. See you soon.



<12. 창문 깨짐>

Hi there. How are you? Um… I hope you could help me out.

상황 :  I have a problem with one of the windows in my house.

As you know, there was a strong typhoon last night. It must’ve been the reason.

So I’d like to get it repaired ASAP.

Because according to the weather forecast, the temperature will get down to minus degrees Celsius. It’s going to be freezing.

And you know, ~ my house is on the ground floor. So I’m actually anxious about security.

So please repair it ASAP.





11. 휴가 가는 친척의 집을 봐주기로 해서 전화로 질문
12. 친척집에 도착했는데 문이 잠겨 있고, 열쇠를 못 찾아 친척에게 전화
13. 친구/가족을 위해 무엇을 해 주기로 했다가 못 지켰던 경험


11. 집 보기 질문

Hi. Mom. It’s me. How are you doing?

I heard that you were going on a trip soon and asked me to watch your house during your trip. I’m happy to help you. But let me ask you some Qs about what I have to do.

1. What is the exact trip schedule? When should I come over to your house?

2, Also is there anything in particular I have to keep in mind? If so, please leave a memo.

3, How can I get into your house? Where are you going to leave the key?

4, Um,,, and do I have to clean up too? Oh. It’s terrible. I hate that.

5. You are going to get me some souvenir, aren’t you?

See you then.


<12. 키 없음 해결>

Hi mom. it’s me. How are you doing? Are you having fun there? I’m sorry to interrupt your trip but I got a situation here.

 상황: I’m in front of your house now. But the key is not where it is supposed to be. So even I can’t get in. What should I do?

1. Is there a spare key anywhere by any chance? If so, please give me a call. I will wait here. 

2. or, better still, I wonder if I call a lock smith to get the door-lock replaced ?

Either way I’m ok. Give me a buzz ASAP.


<13. 유사 경험 서술>




11. 새로 입주한 건물의 재활용 방법을 관리실에 전화 문의
12. 해외에서 신입 주민이 재활용 수거함에 일반 쓰레기를 잘못 버려 다른 주민들이 불만, 주민에게 재활용 설명
13. 본인의 어렸을 재활용 경험 묘사


11. 재활용 질문

Hi there. How are you doing? This is calling from 1212.

상황: I have Just moved in the apartment. So I have No idea about the recycling policy here. So let me ask you some Qs about it.

 1. What material do I have to separate such as plastic, paper, glass something like that? Do I have to separate Styrofoam as well?

2. also where is the designated place for recycling? Is there the only place for recycling in this apartment complex?

3.um... How often am I allowed to take them out?

4. oh~ in case of Bulky recycling like home appliances and furniture, what should I do with that?

5. If I miss the recycling day, is there any extra day for that?


12. 재활용 문제 (옆 집)

Excuse me. I’m one of the residents in this building. 

I am here to inform you of something.

상황: Because I don’t think you fully understand the recycling here. You know~ you are the only one who doesn’t do recycling properly. So, we are quite upset about that.

In fact, the recycling policy is quite strict in this area. So let me tell you about it.

1. you have to separate garbage depending on its material such as plastic, glass, paper, Styrofoam something like that.

2. also the designated place is right next to the main gate? This is the only place for that in the apartment complex. 

3. um... You can take them out only once a week, on Mondays.

4, if you miss the day, you have to wait for another week.

5. lastly in case of bulky recycling like home appliances and furniture, you have to inform the management office of that, and pay for a sticker and put it on them.

Otherwise, you will get fined.

We hope you obey the rules from now on. We are watching you Bro~



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